
Care Passport Contents Page


Page 3   Name, Address & contacts

Page 4   About me & things I like

Page 5   My sight and hearing

Page 5  How I communicate

Page 6   If I do this – it means

Page 7   Eating

Page 8   Drinking

Page 9   Mobility

Page 10  Hygiene

Page 11  Medication


The list on the right shows suggested main sections.  In the Care Passport these are listed on the first inside page.  

Within each section there will be a number of subheadings which will vary to meet the particular needs of the individual and the preferences of the residential home or support environment. 

It is very important that the exact structure of the Care Passport is agreed with the support team before the questionnaires can be put together.


It is recommended that the passport is written in the ‘first person’ so that it acts as the  client's "voice" by speaking directly to the reader (“I like ….” “ I don’t like….”).

Confidential Information and details of medication are NOT included in the Care Passport as it is designed to support the client wherever they are, even in public areas and when on holiday etc.


© Digby Payne 2012